Friday 12 February 2016

21 Jump Street (2012)

Director: Phil Lord and Christopher Miller
Screenplay: Michael Bacall and Jonah Hill (adaptation of the 1987 TV series)
Cast: Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum
Music: Mark Mothersbaugh
Time: 109 minutes
Bottom-line: You’ll be on the floor laughing before you know it!

Chief Hardy: “Do you even know the Miranda rights?
Jenko: “Well it obviously starts with... if you have the right to... remain an attorney...
Chief Hardy: “Did you just say you have the right to be an attorney?!?
Schmidt: “Well, you do have the right to be an attorney if you want to...

In one of the most hilarious and scintillating comedy films of the decade, Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum star as the (polar opposite) buddy cops Morton Schmidt and Greg Jenko respectively. The former is bookish and socially awkward (struggles to even ask a girl out to prom night), while latter is dim-witted but muscular. They become friends at the Police Academy, and partners on bicycle patrol. After a foiled arrest (involving the above conversation between Hardy and Jenko!), the two of them are assigned to a mission where they infiltrate a high school to control the spread of a new drug HFS (guess the expansion?). Due to their youthful appearance, they fit right in, but not before accidentally switching their identities and taking the drug themselves, and soon getting into all sorts of trouble!

Whether Jenko manages to learn any chemistry in his AP class or not, (according to him, “Chemistry's the one with the shapes, right?”) there is definitely some excellent chemistry between the two lead actors. Both Hill and Tatum do a terrific job in making you laugh, whether it is because of their comic dialogues or gauche actions... the fact that they unintentionally interchange their student profiles and enter into classes not suited for their character adds to the fun – Jenko goes to AP Chemistry along with “geeks” while Schmidt goes to drama lessons. One of the best moments of the film is when the cops themselves are forced to take HFS to maintain their undercover identity (made even funnier by the CGI used to portray their delirium and hallucinations!)
Hill as Schimdt (left) and
Tatum as Jenko

The plot is made entertaining mainly because of the acting, including that of the supporting cast. The scene where the cops meet Captain Dickson (Ice Cube), manager of the Jump Street program, is one where you most certainly will be on the floor laughing, thanks to the dialogues involving Ice Cube in his cameo role! The plot twists are good, and the best part is that every one of them adds to the fun in this roller-coaster ride. The content is risqué is many places but the story is written such that the profanity or crude humour doesn’t spoil the main plot. There is one road chase which was completely unnecessary. The only time the film becomes a little serious is when Jenko and Schmidt get into a fight. But that adds to the drama; and of course, one cannot forget the dramatic sacrifice Jenko makes towards the end, when they face the villain.

With a uproarious, side-splitting plot, powered by captivating, animated performances by Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum (who, in particular, has done an extremely good job), numerous one-liners (loads of vulgar ones too!) and a list of memorable scenes to watch over and over again, 21 Jump Street is one comedy film you will not regret watching... and I can guarantee that you will burst out laughing!

My Rating: 3.5/5
Rotten Tomatoes rating: 85%

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